CHARLES WESLEY RUNDLE (December 14, 1842 –
July 11, 1924) was a Union
Army soldier of the American Civil War and
recipient of the United States military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his “gallantry in the charge of the ‘volunteer storming
party’” on May 22, 1863, during the Siege of Vicksburg. Private Rundle, of Co.
A, 116th Illinois Infantry, along with about 150 of his unmarried
comrades, volunteered to charge a heavily fortified Confederate fort in order
to lay bridges and place scaling ladders that were to be used later by a much
larger Union force when storming the position. As the volunteers charged the
fort across open ground, however, Confederate soldiers poured a withering fire of
both small arms and artillery upon the group, inflicting heavy casualties.
Their mission thwarted, Rundle and his surviving comrades sought protection
from the bombardment among the trenches at the base of the Confederate
position. Trapped throughout the remainder of the day, Rundle and about 30 of his
fellow soldiers finally succeeded in making their escape back to Union lines
after nightfall provided sufficient cover.
The Park is quite fortunate to have received the medal, donated to them by Rundle's Great-Great Grandson. It may be viewed at the park Visitors' Center.